"Phillip was getting out of his car and focused on other things, as you might imagine, getting ready to face an audience of about 800 people or so," Hagood told the newspaper. "Someone basically threw something at him. They didn't look official, as far as he was concerned. It didn't look like a law enforcement person or that ilk. He didn't pay attention to what it was."
My complete disbelief at today's festivities could be because I'm an attorney, but I'm not totally convinced of this. It seems that some of what went on today was the result of arrogance on the part of Phillip Fulmer, not his lack of legal training or knowledge. Fulmer went as far as calling the topic "B.S." "And I would have some other choice words if there weren't so many cameras in here," he said in one of today's interviews.
At this point it is appropriate for me to declare my allegiance and it is to neither Tennessee or Alabama, my allegiance is with the Auburn Tigers, so I have no dog in this fight and really had no thoughts either way until today.
Obviously, Fulmer's statements were not illegal or anything he could get in trouble over, but they are troubling to me. Why didn't he just explain this alleged mass confusion that met him when he arrived at the Galleria during the first interview and that he wasn't going to comment on anything concerning a lawsuit until he had spoken with his attorney? To me, this seems like the easiest and most reasonable way to handle what went on this morning, but Fulmer chose the worst path possible. He not only denied this incident ever even happened, he mocked the people saying it did occur. Nothing may ever really materialize from the lawsuit, but I am going to make a bold prediction that today could mark the beginning of the end for Phillip Fulmer as the head football coach for the University of Tennessee. Sphere: Related Content
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