Friday, October 31, 2008

Victoryland machines rigged to give Langford guaranteed jackpot?

In the ongoing saga of the absurdity in the Birmingham's mayor's office, there may be a new chapter just coming to light. A civil suit was just filed in Macon County by a Victoryland patron claiming that the electronic gambling machines were rigged in someway to guarantee large payouts to Birmingham's mayor, Larry Langford. An affidavit from a security guard who worked at Victoryland states that the park manipulated the machines in someway to guarantee large payouts to Langford and other particular individuals. The security guard also claims that there were several occasions between 2006 and 2008 when Langford was escorted to certain machines by park employees. Of course, Victoryland is owned by longtime Langford friend and supporter, Milton McGregor. Apparently, the plaintiff filed the lawsuit after Victoryland refused to pay her money she won on a machine at the park, citing a machine malfunction.

I guess we can just add this to the ever-increasing pile of questionable (to put it mildly) things that have come to light about La La since he was elected mayor. Honestly, I really did not see this accusation coming at all, but I have now come to realize that I should never underestimate the depths of the corruption in this man's life and what else may be lurking just under the surface. Langford can definitely be likened to an onion, with each layer that is peeled away, the more he stinks.

You can read the complete story on Sphere: Related Content